Sunday, January 15, 2012

Boutique Shopping at Target

One of my favorite things to do when I travel is visit local boutiques and see if I can find something truly unique, and at a good price of course. Turns out, Target is going to make that a lot easier for all of us. They're planning to launch boutique shops within their stores. The shops will be stocked with goods from boutiques all over the country. Some items, like a nail file, will be available for just $1.

Don't live near a Target? Don't worry! The shops will be available online also. Target has assured the public that it won't be a repeat of the debacle the Missoni for Target launch turned into. The website should be able to handle the extra traffic. You'll have to wait until May to shop the boutique at Target, but until then, you have Jason Wu for Target to check out in February.

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